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Resources for All Pharmacists

Conscience Protection Laws

Conscience protections are federal statues that protect health care providers who refuse to be involved in certain health care services on religious or moral grounds. The HHS outlines these statutes on their website linked here.

Image by Sebastian Pichler

Pharmacy Conscience Laws

The protections for health care providers to refuse services based on personal beliefs are conscience clauses. Specific to pharmacists, these clauses which vary by state focus on dispensing emergency contraception.

Image by Simone van der Koelen

Code of Ethics for Pharmacists

Endorsed by the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, this code publicly states the principles which form the fundamental basis of the roles and responsibilities of pharmacists.

Colorful Books

Prolife Perinatologist

Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, this insightful article discusses the challenges faced by physicians specializing in maternal-fetal medicine who have a pro-life position and practice in a secular world.

Medical Consultation

When Does Human Life Begin?

A scientific paper objectively outlining the basis for the beginning of human life based on precise, established biologic criteria. This is an excellent paper discussing a controversial topic in a thoughtful, systematic way.

Embryologist Adding Sperm to Egg

Conscience In Residency

This non-profit organization seeks to serve residents and those applying to residency who wish to confidently and effectively avoid procedures or services which are not in accordance with their conscience. Many members are experienced residency graduates.

Image by National Cancer Institute


Becket is a non-profit, public interest legal and educational institution. They fight for religious liberty and the only law firm that defends all religious beliefs. The religious impulse is natural to human beings, therefore religious expression is natural to human culture.

Image by Giammarco

Bedsider FABM

This online birth control support network strives to give every young person the tools and information for deciding if and when to get pregnant. As a part of their wide variety of fertility-related information, they describe FAM in an objective manner, highlighting it's pros, cons, as well as different methods. 

Image by Tetiana SHYSHKINA


The National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) seeks to enhance the success of state pharmacy associations in their efforts to advance the profession of pharmacy. NASPA promotes leadership, sharing, learning, and policy exchange among its members and pharmacy leaders nationwide.

Image by Scott Graham

Life Savings Laws

The Ethics and Public Policy Center is an institute dedicated to engaging with culture, politics, and the education system to apply Judeo-Christian tradition to contemporary questions. Its goal is to continually renew society and the culture for the better. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C.

Image by Samuel Branch

The Oath of the Pharmacist

An oath that all pharmacists are invited to take upon entering the profession, it is adopted by AACP and APhA and outlines the roles and responsibilities pharmacists vow to take when assuming their work of caring for patients.

Image by Monirul Islam Shakil

Ethical Vaccine List

For those wishing to understand how vaccines are implicated with cell lines derived from aborted fetal tissue, this chart can be used by any pharmacist to help guide their patients in their vaccine decision-making process.

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

BBC Contraception Comparisons

This is a fantastic summary of Christian arguments for and against the use of contraception, approaching the debate from an unbiased standpoint.

Image by Jeroen den Otter

ACGME Clarification

The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education monitors professional educational standards for physicians in America. This clarification is provided for those who have religious or moral objections in their training.

Image by Piron Guillaume

AAFP NFP and FABM Methods

The American Academy of Family Physicians provides a comprehensive, yet concise review of the various methods, benefits, and drawbacks of NFP and FABM to provide their members with a tangible resource regarding this subject.

Image by Sasun Bughdaryan

FIP Ethics Statement

Ethical and professional standards exceed legal standards, and are what all pharmacists are called to strive towards. The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) provides a statement of professional standards with regards to the ethics which pharmacists should work by.

Image by Adolfo Félix

Pharmacy Law

The American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) is a non-profit organization that encourages diversity and inclusion through embracing participation in their purpose to further knowledge, communicate, and provide education on pharmacy law. 

Morter and Pestle

Natural Cycles

FDA approved for use in avoiding pregnancy, Natural Cycles (NC) is an app powered by an algorithm that determines fertility status based on basal body temperature. Using a certified your NC° thermometer, data enter it into the app will be used along with the algorithm to notify the user of times of fertility. 

Image by Mockup Graphics


The Ethics and Public Policy Center is an institute dedicated to engaging with culture, politics, and the education system to apply Judeo-Christian tradition to contemporary questions. Its goal is to continually renew society and the culture for the better. Its headquarters are located in Washington, D.C.

Image by Alejandro Luengo

Medical Conscience Rights

The Medical Conscience Rights Initiative (MCRI) is a collaborative effort between several groups who work to understand the nature of and need for protection of religious medical practitioners and institutions. It is a part of the Religious Freedom Institute and involves several initiatives, found on their website.

Medical Staff
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