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Our Mission

Pharmacists are the medication experts of the healthcare team. Through providing pharmaceutical care services, they ensure safe and effective medication use. Despite their broad scope within healthcare, many providers and patients are unaware of what a pharmacist can and should do. Pharmacists, often acting as intermediaries, may not fully grasp the implications of their actions and how they affect medication-related outcomes.


The scope of practice and recognition of pharmacists in healthcare continues to expand, with increased involvement in clinical decision making. This further heightens their responsibility with regards to medical ethics, of which they take an oath to hold themselves to the highest standards. Truth and morality are vital considerations in all areas of medicine, and pharmacy is no exception. Pharmacists can have opposing views than that of their patients, colleagues, employers, and the governing bodies of the medical community. The careful balance of providing care in accordance with the truth while allowing for patient autonomy is challenging to achieve.


We seek to meet this challenge for the good and well-being of our patients, communities, and society as a whole. As Catholic Pharmacists, our mission is to educate, build community, and advocate for pharmacists committed to living their Catholic values in their professional practice for the health and well-being of their patients. To our knowledge, this is the only platform which strives to be as comprehensive as possible in fulfilling our mission and helping Catholic pharmacists be educated, united, and advocates in their field.

The pharmacist must invite each person to advance humanity, so that every being may be protected from the moment of conception until natural death, and that medicines may fulfill properly their therapeutic role. 

Pope Benedict XVI, 10.29.2007

Our Mission

Sorting Through The Issues

The ethical challenges faced in healthcare are varied and complex, much like the medications we study. We hope to sort through each challenge which presents itself to the field of pharmacy so that pharmacists are as fully informed as possible with regards to the principles of healthcare ethics and their moral conscience.

Pile of Pills

Building A Brighter Future

Confidently living out your ethical and religious beliefs in pharmacy practice can appear to be a dark and frightening prospect. We hope the content shared on this platform shines light in the careers of pharmacists. We hope to build a future where they practice in accordance with the truth, engage in respectful dialogue with those who have opposing views, and advance the field of pharmacy.

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